Launch Your Financial Success

Take control of your finances with a proven program for building savings, managing debt, and aligning your finances to your values.

Launch Your Finances
Phase 1 – Take Control | Phase 2 – Expand Your Knowledge | Phase 3 – Maintain Your Success

Better Budgeting

Align your finances to your values and purpose, helping you achieve your great life – both now & in the future

Manage Debt

Stop living in fear of debt. Break the bondage of debt and learn to use it (responsibly) as a tool

Build Savings

The purpose of savings is to achieve your life goals – not simply to have more money

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Build Wealth

Go beyond paying down debt and building savings to build true financial and life wealth

Choose Wisely

Make better financial decisions with guidance, education, and resources on topics exactly when you need them

Take Control

Feel in control of your finances regardless of what life throws at you with a program that provides structure, direction, and accountability


Those who've experienced Financial Launch have to say:

"This process has definitely helped move us toward meeting all of our goals. I always thought my husband and I had very open lines of communication, especially when it comes to our financial situation, but the level of detail involved in this process really paints the entire picture. We will more effectively meet the goals for our family."

Victoria B.

"A lot of our goals are strongly contingent on a strong financial position. The difference this process makes is that we can now see exactly how much we need to set aside and for how long. We can also see visually what happens when we decide to make choices and the opportunity costs associated with that. We are now less likely to give in to impulses knowing the tradeoff."

Maimoona A.

"This class has helped me realize how important it is to have not only an accurate budget – but to have a realistic budget as well. Before this class I didn’t see where all of my money was going. Now I see it and am able to budget according to not just my needs but my wife and step-daughter’s needs as well….. All in all, this class was a real eye-opening experience for me."

Erik S.

Step-By-Step Guidance & On-Demand Support.

Launch takes a structured step-by-step process for taking control of our money and making better money decision and combines it with a searchable database of personal finance topics, guidance, videos, and articles. The combination allows you to follow a proven system for financial success while giving the flexibility to deal with the financial challenges you're facing now.

Knowledge Center – On-Demand Support

The Knowledge Center is designed to provide you with the strategies and guidance you need to make better decisions exactly when you are making the decisions. And unlike the internet, Launch’s Knowledge Center doesn’t have a hidden sales agendas, superficial understanding or one-size-fits-all bias.

The guidance and strategies are developed by Joshua Escalante Troesh, CFP; a Tenured Professor and fiduciary financial advisor with over two decades’ experience teaching personal finance and working with clients.

Launch Sequence – Step-By-Step Guidance

In addition to access to the Knowledge Center, you’ll go through the Launch Sequence, a proven structured program designed to give you what you need to know, what you need to do, and the order to do it all in to optimize your ability to stay on track. The Launch Sequence is broken into three distinct phases, building on each other and providing more strategies and more advanced strategies for building your finances.

Phase 1 – Creating Your Foundation

In the first three months of Launch you’ll establish the foundation you need for your long-term success. You’ll organize your money, align your finances to your values, create a budget that frees you to spend on what you value, and set up systems for managing debt. And most importantly, you’ll fundamentally change your view of and relationship with money.

  • Month 1 – Setting Your Trajectory
  • Month 2 – Establishing Your Purposeful Budget
  • Month 3 – Managing Debt & Automating Finances

Phase 2 – Propelling Your Finances Forward

You’ll then build on the foundation you've created to move beyond just budgeting and debt management to make better decisions with every aspect of your financial life. Over the next year, you’ll gain a greater understanding of, learn strategies for, and get guidance on everything that touches your finances including:

  • Tax planning strategies
  • Managing credit and your credit score
  • Insurance and risk management; including health, life, and liability insurances.
  • Career planning
  • Retirement planning including understanding your 401(k), Social Security, and more
  • Investing and managing a portfolio
  • Estate planning
  • And far more

Phase 3 – Staying On Your Financial Trajectory

The final phase is an ongoing process of continually adding to your financial success by taking specific steps each month and revisiting your financial plans.

Modeled after the ongoing work Joshua does with his comprehensive planning clients, Phase 3 provides monthly guidance to revisit your financial plans, to explore the Knowledge Center, and to help you continually improve your finances.

Launch Your Finances

Your Launch Membership Helps Others

Purposeful Finance is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization dedicated to providing free and low-cost financial planning resources to the public. Your membership in Launch both allows us to continually add resources to Launch and provides financial resources for Purposeful Finance to expand its mission of helping others. Learn More

Expert Guidance and Information

Developed by Joshua Escalante Troesh, CFP | MBA.

Josh has over two decades' experience guiding people on their finances as a Tenured Professor of personal finance, as a fiduciary financial advisor, and as the founder of a financial planning non-profit organization providing resources to hundreds of thousands of families each year. 

He has written Personal Finance curriculum that has been adopted by numerous colleges and universities inculding being approved by the Cal State University system as meeting general education math requirements. And Josh has been quoted in dozens of media including Consumer Reports, Forbes, and CNBC and was ranked the #1 financial advisor nationally by Investopedia Advisor Insights.


Quoted In

Your Launch membership is just $39 per month.

Cancel anytime.

Launch Membership



  • Self-directed online educational resources
  • Searchable Knowledge Center
  • Structured sequence of actions to follow
  • Reference documents and templates
  • Downloadable budgets, debt analysis, and other files
  • High-quality video tutorials
  • Cancel anytime


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Personal Financial Coaching

Looking for more personalized advice and an accountability partner? 

Get all the features of Financial Launch with the additional benefit of individualized coaching.

Schedule a call with Purposeful SP to see how individualized financial coaching can help you.

Purposeful Strategic Partners offer personal financial coaching as a fiduciary financial advising firm.


Schedule a Call
The price for Launch increases each year to adjust for inflation, but your price doesn't.
Your price now will be locked in.

Try a  Free Mini-Course

Imagine experiencing your finances as a tool to achieve your great life rather than a barrier to it.

Your budget doesn’t have to be a restrictive document controlling your spending and constantly telling you "no". It should be a tool you use to understand how decisions you make will impact your priorities so you can make better decisions.

Your debt doesn’t have to be something to fear or a cause of anxiety. Managing your debt can be a part of a broader financial plan; eliminating debt that harms your finances and comfortably managing good debt that truly improves your life (like a mortgage).

And your savings and investments don’t have to be a revolving door of building them up and then watching them empty due to an unexpected challenge or short-term mistake. They can be enjoyable pools of future spending tied to the values and dreams you want most for your life.

Frequently Asked Questions...

Don’t leave without making the choice to TRANSFORM your life today. Get instant access to the Launch program and finally get control of your finances!

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Ranked #1 advisor on Investopedia Advisor Insights November 2018 to July 2019 when Investopedia discontinued Advisor Insights. Investopedia Advisor Insights ranking based upon the helpfulness of answers to questions posted on the Investopedia website as voted by Investopedia’s audience. Ranking does not consider investment returns, client satisfaction, or other factors. Registration as an investment advisor refers to legal licensing of the advisor and does not imply a certain level of skill or training.

Investment, legal, and tax information presented on this website and in Financial Launch is for informational purposes only. None of the information or articles are intended to be personal investment, tax, nor legal advice. To get personalized advice on your own unique situation, schedule a meeting with Purposeful Strategic Partners, talk to your CPA, or contact an attorney. Do not attempt to apply investment, tax, nor legal information to your personal situation without consulting with a qualified adviser.